You can add various attachments to your tractor to help you do jobs on your farm. If you don't already have a rear ripper, then this attachment is a good long-term investment. This ground-breaking tool can be used on multiple jobs.

When might you use rear rippers on your farm?

1. You Want to Improve Soil Quality

Years of use, compaction and dry conditions can affect the quality of soil in pastures and crop fields. If your soil is short on nutrients and is hard and dry, then it won't give you the best growing conditions.

If you use a rear ripper, then you can aerate and loosen up the ground. A ripper sits behind a tractor. As you drive along, the ripper's tines dig down into the ground and loosen up the earth.

A simple ripper sweep can make hard ground soft again. It can open up the ground to make it more capable of retaining water and taking it down to root level. Your grasses and crops will have better-growing conditions.

2. You Want to Clear New Ground

If parts of your farm are currently undeveloped, then you might want to convert the land into pasture or crop fields. If the land hasn't been worked on for a long time, then its ground won't be in the best condition for cultivation. It might also not be in an even state.

Once you clear the land, you have to find a way to prepare the ground. The fastest way to do this is with a rear ripper. If the ground is severely compacted, then you can drive your tractor over it in different directional sweeps. The ripper's tines will make short work of even the hardest ground. Plus, as the ripper works, it flattens out bumps, making the ground more even and workable.

3. You Have Water Runoff Problems

If you have areas of sloping land, then water might run off the land rather than soaking into it. The lower and flatter parts of your pastures and field might benefit from this water; however, your sloped areas will be dry, hard and lacking in nutrients.

You can also use rear rippers to make channels in sloping land. These channels will catch and trap water. They'll give it time to soak into the ground.

To see some examples of rear rippers and to get advice on the best product for your farm's needs, contact agricultural equipment suppliers.
